From the Desk of Chairman - PD Institute
Pramod Darda

I am utterly delighted to announce the establishment of the PD Institute in the Pink City, Jaipur. It’s a matter of pride and honour to be a part of the designing, technical, and marketing management sector of education. The main goal of our institute is to create some highly skilled professionals with complete practical knowledge that today’s Gem and Jewellery Industry demands. 

Our country India is heading towards becoming a financial superpower. The small portion of the jewellery that is produced in the country is used for domestic consumption, on the other hand, a comparatively bigger portion of the uncut and rough stones is processed and exported from Jaipur. Country’s total export consists of a big part of the Gem and Jewellery Industry. I am working towards contributing my part in this sector and it will be a great honour for me if I can add a bit of value with the help of PD Institute for my country .


Chairman of PD